longview watches

I spent a lot of time this year thinking about the concept of time

I concluded the standard clock doesn’t work for me. Yes, I needed to know it’s 10:17 am to coordinate my day. But in reality, that does very little to help me make decisions.

First, I also want a way to manage larger goals; sometimes these are making sure I remember to head home to enjoy a summer night with the family, other times they are keeping me aware of a major product launch I have to hit. Second, I want a way to keep the long term in mind. Why am I really fretting about being i’m 1 minute late when it’s just a very small moment in time?

The product I ended up with was different in digital and physical forms. On my Apple watch and phone, where I usually look at the time, i’ve rebuilt all my screens to show much better indicators of what really matters (see below). On the physical form, I wanted something more understated to wear. I have a couple working prototypes of the physical device, but it’s a hard engineering problem that needs a lot more time… which ironically may not be where I want to focus in the long term :)

bits version

The digital version of the watch works seamlessly across all my devices. Not only does it include time left, but it also has some key indicators that keep me focused on how I want to spend my time.

Atoms version

The analog version is a more understated reminder of the one hand that matters - pointing to the long view of my time left.


Plus Twenty